Archive for February, 2012

Psychosomatic whirlpool

by Nabakishore Chanda Psychosomatic whirlpool(acrylic on canvas,36”x40”,$1000)

The figures and objects have appeared spontaneously on the canvas,through my subconscious and has surfaced with its myriad kaleidoscopic text.


Red pansy

by Nabakishore Chanda Red pansy(water colour on paper,24″x16″,$450)
The sinless quality, the innocence and simplicity of the child become symbolized in the red pansy which sits as a brooch on her dress.



by Nabakishore Chanda Winter (ink and water colour on paper,38x28cm,$225)
The glow leaves tht fall off the branches in winter lose their link with the source of life as the face which seems incapable of communication in this painting.


Urban Sisyphus

by Nabakishore Chanda Urban Sisyphus (acrylic on canvas,30”x24”,$850)
Greek mythology here helps to reflect the urban man struggling upwards with the baggage of illusion, ambition and failure.


Vortex of Apprehension

by Nabakishore Chanda Vortex of Apprehension:(acrylic on canvas,24″x18″,$700)
The whirlpool of complexities of life suck man into dread of what is and what is to be.



by Nabakishore Chanda Competition: (Acrylic on canvas,26″x24″,$800)
Many figures and energies jostle in this painting, seeking to establish their identity and importance in space limited in extent — a picture of modern life.



by Nabakishore Chanda Exposure (Acrylic on canvas,30″x24″,$850)

The woman’s face shows confidence in self and sense of identity et ironically a sense of past fears and indecision makes her shoulders sag. The ambiguity is touching in the portrayal of the woman.


Veena Badini

by Nabakishore Chanda Veena Badini:(Acrylic on canvas,24″x30″,$800)
The mellifluous and gentle presence of Goddess Saraswati with her Veena is suggestive of the beauty of existence.


When Disgruntled Contact Center Agents Strike Back


Why Hershey’s Marketers are Sweet on Moms
